Freshest greens All year around

brought to you by

Olive Creek Logo - A MAGKI Farms Brand that grows fresh produce  that is grown all year around.

Our Olive Creek produce is grown and harvested by Magki Farms specifically for your enjoyment at home.  We work closely with your local grocer to ensure they have the freshest, highest quality produce available for you, all year.

what We grow


We grow a variety of living basil to include the familiar sweet basil, to the delicate Greek basil, to the unique purple basil. Our basil is sold with the roots in water, which extends the freshness of the herb well after you bring it home.

To extend the life of your living basil plant, simply:


Remove it from the bag
and place in a glass


Fill the glass with water,
just above the roots


Place in a sunny windowsill


Enjoy with your favorite dishes

OUR Greens

We grow several types of lettuces and leafy greens, to include Green Butterhead, Red Leaf and Frisee lettuce. Our leafy greens are sold with the roots which ensures they stay crisp and fresh. Store these greens in your refrigerator until you’re ready to enjoy them.

Where to Find Us

Our fresh produce is found in several grocery stores across New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

Don’t See us in Your Local Store?